Clinical trials are costly due to high failure rate. Cognostic (formerly known as TrialX) provides a less expensive way to register, categorize and stay in contact with patients who need surveillance or are par of an observational trial, especially for those with neuro-degenerative or cardiac diseases such as aneurysm.

Meet the Team

We are a group of Stanford and UW undergraduates and postdocs, lead by Damien Kettud. Would like to contribute? Checkout our source code on GitHub (pull requests are welcome) and send a private message to @Apollo Zhu, @Lucas Wang, or @Vicky (Xinyi) Xiang on discord!


Join Mobile Development Club Discord at University of Washington

Learn More

Brain Health COVID-19 Hackathon Fund Project Information


Update April 26, 2021: watch the event live starting 10 AM Pacific Time:

Demo Week - COVID-19 hackathon fund by Google Cloud

Update April 1, 2021: check us out during the Demo Derby Week:

Demo Week - COVID-19 hackathon fund by Google Cloud - Cognostix Mobile

Update November 17, 2020: we are granted with $5000 Google Cloud credits. Update September 13, 2020: we won the "Best CardinalKit App" and "Best COVID-19 Project" awards:

"Building For Digital Health" Awards and Closing Ceremony

Update September 13, 2020: this is our first release of the mobile app: